Stacey and Shelby McLaughlin
This week I interviewed a mother and daughter, Stacey and Shelby McLaughlin. Stacey is the team manager and mother of an amazing racer and young woman Shelby. I asked Stacey how she got into racing and she said " My Dad and grandparents always watched NASCAR, and when I met Mike he was into racing." When I met Stacey and found out she liked racing we just clicked, and Mike is her husband who also races. I also asked Stacey what led her to let Shelby to race, " Mike used to race quads before he got into go kart racing. I went to all of his quad races, but when he started racing go karts I didn't go as much as Shelby was just born. But, when Shelby was old enough to start going, she was would watch Daddy race and play with her matchbox cars at the track. When Shelby was just 3 years old we bought her an electric four wheeler and she just instinctively knew what to do. Then when she was 4 my Dad bought her an electric Jeep. Mike made h...